Dear Muse
Dear muse,
It’s Lorne. It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other.
I know you’re busy creating best-sellers that top the New York Times or developing screenplays about a disabled superhero who saves his family and the world showing everyone anyone is capable of greatness but if you’re free later I’d love to see you.
Writing without you is bleak. The letters of each word meet but may as well be ancient hieroglyphics. Every idea that springs forth is poisoned with “it’s not good enough, try again.”
In your absence, I struggled for an idea this week, the outcome? A love letter to the gatekeeper of ideas, the one who guides us through to the other side where ideas flow like a never-ending stream of inspiration. Being there in that moment is overwhelming, we try to take it all in hoping as we travel back to our plane the ideas will come too, we drown in the river of ideas only to suffocate from the very thing we thought we wanted. I’ve learned since then to take what you can bear and be grateful for it. It’s our nature to take as much as we can, It’s how we’ve survived and adapted but one must learn the door of ideas never remains fully closed so as long as we continually show up and do the work.
Like our avian friends, I’ve learned the importance of the dance. Show up even when you least feel like it and if you’re lucky, the muse will guide you to the other side. When she doesn’t show? Write anyways because one day, while sitting at your little desk with a broken chair that squeaks with every movement thinking to yourself “why do I put myself through this?” You will feel a tap on the shoulder and suddenly everything will make sense.