Here's to 32
Well, my 32nd birthday is a week from the writing of this post. Every year I try to take stock of what I’ve learned from the previous year and how I can implement new paradigms to improve my quality of living. This past year has been eye-opening. I’ve taken the plunge and shared a lot over the past thirty-two posts and I hope you’ve enjoyed it thus far. The purpose of this Substack was to find a way to force myself to write an article every other week and post it regardless of how confident I felt about it.
For a long time I’ve wanted to write primarily fiction but have been fearful of the feedback I may get from the public. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook are cruel to those looking to explore ideas and learn more about themselves. I used Substack and my non-fiction posts as a launching point to introduce you to my style of writing hoping that some readers may one day seek out my fiction. Currently, I’ve finished the third draft of a short story I take great pride in. It’s gross and sad at times but that’s the nature of the beast. I had no intentions of writing a story that turned my stomach but I showed up with a pen and the characters wrote themselves. There’s something magical about writing fiction. Using imagination, the sky’s the limit when exploring ideas and emotions. I’ve passed my story to a few trusted readers and await their feedback. In the meantime I’m polishing other short stories I’ve written with the intent of creating a collection of short stories for my first novel. Once compiled in a book format I hope to find representation that can help me share my stories with the world. Maybe this is a tad narcissistic but if I could move one person the same way I’ve been moved when reading some of my favorite authors, I would consider my life a success.
If you’ve gotten this far I cannot thank you enough for your support. This has been fun and I can’t wait to see what 32 brings.
See you on the other side!
⁃ Lorne