Little Gestures
I think I’ve found the sweet spot. My last post: “Bringing the monsters to light.” was the most personal and conversational of posts I’ve written. It felt like sharing a piece of my daily journal with you and it was the most well-received post to date.
The more informative narratives I’ve posted in previous weeks didn’t feel like the right fit but I wouldn’t have known that until I posted them.
“The road to success is paved with failure.”
I repeat this mantra to myself and those around me who wish to create something from nothing to the point where I sound like a broken record.
I fear of looking foolish (a reoccurring theme you will begin to see in upcoming weeks) and that’s partially because caring what others think is part of the human experience but mostly because I’m creating something for YOU the reader to enjoy.
To create things I’m interested in is always my goal but it still hurts when my work is poorly received.
I ask myself (as most creators of art do.) “When will I no longer feel like an imposter?”
I’m not sure that point will ever come but I’ve set a goal for myself, move one person. If I accomplish that, the post was a success.
Anyone who creates anything is sharing a vulnerable part of themselves.
Scathing comments online ruminate in my head longer than I would prefer to admit.
There is a new trend that has been cultivated on social platforms where someone will watch a film or listen to an album and tweet at the creator telling them how awful it was.
I’m hoping we can start a new trend. If you enjoyed something someone put their soul into, send them a message private or public letting them know what their art means to you. It’s the smallest gesture that makes the biggest impact.